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Pink Entices Makayla With Her Big Beautiful Feet!!!     View Sample
Length: 25.00 minutes     Size: 1138.79 MB     Format: MP4
Makayla is sitting on the floor trying to find something to watch on TV and Pink is on the couch looking at a magazine wearing her mules and of course she has her feet propped up on the table!! Pink knows about Makaylas foot fetish but doesn't say anything and begins to dangle her mules just because Makayla is so close. Pinks mules would fall off and she would get Makayla to put t hem back on for her just so she can dangle them off of hwer feet again! Pink gently waves her feet to and from her face trying to entice Makayla who begiins to sniff thinking she is being sneaky about it. Pink does this for a little and then she pretends to fall asleep and thats when Makayla begins to sniff more recklessly!!!
$ 18.50